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Please see our Medical Glossary below.
Suffix meaning surgical removal (eg. Tonsillectomy – removal of the tonsils)
A suffix used to describe a procedure for looking into various parts of the body (eg. Lungs – bronchoscopy)
Suffix meaning to make an opening surgically (eg. Tracheotomy – an opening in the trachea)
A gross deficiency in cortisol secretion
Lymphatic tissue situated near the naso-pharynx
Two glands situated near the kidneys. They secrete hormone orientated substances
Removal of an adrenal gland
Air sacks in the lung tissue
Absence of periods
A deficiency of red blood cells/haemoglobin in the blood
A tight pain in the chest due to insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle
Radiological examination of the heart and large blood vessels
A procedure used to wash out infected debris in the sinuses
A small incision into the antral space for chronic infection
Large artery coming from the heart
Hair and nails
Pertaining to an artery
Fixation of a joint
Reconstruction of a joint
The viewing of a joint (usually the knee) with a fibre optic instrument
A common condition affecting the bronchioles resulting in wheezing
A malignant tumour of the brain
Upper chambers of the heart
Irregular pulse arising from the atria
A means of measuring hearing
An instrument for looking into the ears
Voluntary and involuntary network of nerves
Twice a day
As above, to outline the colon/rectum
An X-ray to outline the stomach using a radiopaque substance
A condition due to inflammation of the facial nerves
A sample of blood taken from an artery to detect serum levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide
A blood test to assess the serum level of glucose in the body/tissues
A procedure for removing cells from the marrow of a bone to investigate a blood disorder
A comprehensive scan using radiopaque dye to detect skeletal abnormalities
Two branches arising from the trachea that enter the lungs
Acute or chronic inflammation of the bronchi
Examination of the bronchi by means of a fibre optic instrument
Drainage of the maxillary sinuses
A gas dissolved in water. A by-product of metabolism that leaves the body via the lungs
Malignant disease of the lung
A blood test to assess the damage to the heart following an M.I.
Pertaining to diseases of the heart
An opaque lens inhibiting vision, quite common in older people
Removal of a cataract and insertion of a lens
Relating to the cerebrum which is the largest part of the brain
Radiopaque x-rays to visualise the cerebral blood vessels
A clear fluid which occupies surrounding parts of the brain
A general term used to describe a stoke caused by either a blood clot or haemorrhage
Neck of the uterus
Radiological examination of the gall bladder
The pigmented and vascular coat of the eye
A global term used to describe many chronic respiratory disorders
Excision of the foreskin of the penis
A clotting mechanism of the blood
A spiral canal in the inner ear
Repair of the vagina
A means of visualising the cervix
Inflammation of the conjunctiva surrounding the eye
The transparent portion of the eyeball
Major operation to remove a blocked coronary artery and replace it with a graft to improve the blood supply
An opening into the skull sometimes performed to relieve pressure or remove a tumour
The bony cavity which contains the brain
A condition resulting in the over secretion of hormones from the adrenal glands
A means of looking into the bladder using a fibre optic instrument
Pertaining to diseases of the skin
The inner layer of the skin
A deficiency in anti-diuretic hormone (ADH)
A common long term condition resulting in excess sugar due to an inadequate supply of insulin
A diagnostic procedure performed often for exploratory purposes
Degeneration in the nerve sheath. This is a progressive illness
A means of determining the patency of the uterine tubes often in conjunction with a laparoscopy. Frequently used in the management of infertility
Painful periods
This is made up of three parts – inner, middle and outer
A means of recording a heart rhythm
A means of visualising the electrical activity of the brain frequently used in the diagnosis of epilepsy
A chronic disease featuring abnormal distension of the alveoli (air sacks)
Inflammation of the brain
Pertaining to the diseases of endocrine glands
Inflammation of the endometrium
Lining of the uterus
Removal of the eyeball
The outer layer of the skin
Convulsions due to abnormal electrical activity in the brain
An area of the skin in which the blood vessels become dilated causing redness
A tube that connects the middle ear to the naso-pharynx
An abrasion in which the epidermis is removed
Benign tissue found in the uterus
A split or crack through the skin
A means of diverting urine into an opening in the ileum onto the abdomen
Routine blood test to look at the number of white cells, red cells, platelets and haemoglobin there is in the blood
The viewing of the stomach through a fibre optic instrument
Internal and external organs pertaining to reproduction
Pertaining to care of the elderly
Increase in the intra-ocular pressure. It can be acute or more gradual
A highly malignant tumour of the brain
A group of intricate capillaries in the kidney
A part of the brain containing nerve cells
Usually inserted into the middle ear following above operation
Pertaining to the blood
Pertaining to diseases of the blood
Molecules that give blood the red colour and transport oxygen
An inherited bleeding disorder affecting men
Cessation of bleeding
Houses the root of the hair
A hollow muscular organ that pumps blood around the body
Insertion of a prosthesis to replace a diseased hip joint – sometimes the operation is named after the type of prosthesis used eg. Thompson’s
An abnormal development of embryonic material that can become malignant
Removal of the pituitary gland
Removal of the uterus
A bone in the middle ear
Glandular fever
Semi-surgical procedure inserting a small piece of equipment to regulate the heart beat. It can be temporary or permanent
An x-ray of the UTI/kidneys using a radiopaque substance
The coloured part of the eye
Generally poor blood supply to the coronary arteries
An operation to remove bunions from the feet
An irregular shaped scar usually slightly elevated
A serious condition resulting in inflammation of the cornea
Corneal grafting
Insertion of a prosthesis to replace a diseased knee joint
Excision of part of the vertebrae to relieve pressure on the spinal cord or nerves
The voice box
Loss of ‘pump’ function to left side of the heart
A word used to describe change in an area of the skin
A malignant disease
White blood cells
A white plaque often seen in the mouth
A means of crushing renal stones
A needle aspiration of liver tissue
Usually blood tests to detect abnormalities in the liver
A needle is inserted into the spinal canal so that cerebral spinal fluid can be aspirated to aid diagnosis (eg. Meningitis)
White blood cells formed in lymphatic tissue
Both are malignant diseases of the lymphoid tissue
A smooth flat discoloured area
A bone in the middle ear
An operation to repair a prolapsed uterus
In the morning
A screening test for T.B.
Removal of the mastoid process in the middle ear
Inflammation of the mastoid process
By mean of a tonometer
A space in the middle of the thorax
Associated with pigment, meaning dark
A disorder of the inner ear affecting balance
Inflammation of the meninges that surround the brain usually due to infection
Removal of the cartilage from the knee
Heavy bleeding during periods
Intra-menstrual bleeding
The act of passing urine
Situated between the left atria and ventricle
Removal of a diseased valve usually replaced by an artificial one
Mid stream or catheter specimen of urine
A chronic disorder characterised by weakness of voluntary muscles
A special x-ray of the spinal cord
A malignant disease of the bone marrow usually treated by a haematologist
Necrosis of the heart muscle (Myocardium) Commonly known as a heart attack and often abbreviated to M.I
Removal of the uterine muscle
Uterine muscle
Incision in the ear drum to drain pus
Atrophy of the thyroid gland resulting in too little thyroxine being secreted
Removal of the kidneys
Inflammation of the kidneys
Pertaining to the renal system (specifically the kidneys)
The structural/functional unit of the kidneys
A clinical set of symptoms whereby the kidneys are producing large quantities of protein that is being passed out in the urine
Generalised inflammation of the nerves
Pertaining to diseases of the nervous system
A complete nerve cell
A disease process of nerve degeneration
At night
A solid elevation involving both the skin and fatty layers
Pertaining to care of the pregnant woman
Pertaining to the treatment of malignant diseases
Pertaining to the eye
Use of battery operated instrument to look into the eye
Pertaining to vision
Excision of the testicle
An operation to free an undescended testicle
The nerve fibres of the inner ear
Pertaining to corrective dentistry
Pertaining to diseases of the skeletal system
Chronic degeneration of mainly large joints
Inflammation of the bone
The cutting of bone usually to correct a deformity
Infection of the outer ear
Infection of the middle ear
Immobilisation of the stapes bone affecting hearing
Glandular organs
A gas in the atmosphere also exchanged in the lungs
As required
Pertaining to children
A small elevated area that may or may not be discoloured
A group of small glands situated in the neck, they control calcium metabolism
Removal of the par-thyroid glands
A progressive disorder causing tremors and muscular rigidity
Infection/inflammation of the pericardium (a membrane surrounding the heart)
Visual field measurement
A muscular patch at the back of the mouth
Insertion of a pin/plate to stabilise a fracture usually of the head or femur
A gland situated at the base of the brain that secretes various hormones
The fluid part of the blood
A method of removing a portion of the plasma from the circulation
Components of blood concerned with clotting
Membrane lining of the lungs
Not really an operation. A procedure to remove an accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity
A collection of fluid in the pleural cavity
Inflammation of the pleura
Removal of a lung
Infection in the lung
An acute infection caused by a virus affecting the spinal cord. It can cause paralysis
A disorder characterised by the wide distribution of cysts on both kidneys
A gland surrounding the male urethra near the bladder
A chronic inflammatory condition of the skin
Drooping upper eyelid
A blood clot that has travelled from the deep veins into the lungs
The circular part of the iris
A small area of the skin containing infected pus
Four times a day
An abscess on the tonsils
Renal stones
Surgical repair using cryosurgery
Correction of finger contractions
The inner coat of the eyeball formed with nerve fibres
A more severe and progressive disease often affecting small joints
Inflammation of the nasal mucous membrane
Removal of the ovary and uterine tube
A malignant tumour often found in bone
A contagious parasitic infestation of the skin
Thin, flat small area of dried cells
The fibrous coat of the eyeball (the white of the eye)
They secrete an oily substance (sebum) around the hair follicles
A bony structure separating the nasal cavities
The viewing of the rectum and lower part of the colon through a fibre optic instrument
Acute or chronic inflammation of any of the sinuses
A part of the central nervous system enclosed in the spinal column
Removal of the stapes bone
A bone in the middle ear
Haemorrhage in the sub-arachnoid space between the brain and the spinal cord
Fatty tissue under the skin
Correction of a deviated or damaged septum
Two large blood vessels which, return blood to the right atrium
Three times a day
Two male glands producing sperm in a surrounding sac
An incision into the thoracic cavity
Chest cavity
A disorder in the blood resulting in a decrease in platelets
A blood clot that has formed in a deep vein
A blood test to assess the level of serum thyroxine
A gland situated in front of the trachea. Its main function is to produce thyroxine
Removal of the thyroid gland
Over stimulation of the thyroid gland resulting in the over production of thyroxine
A contagious fungal infection of the skin
Removal of the same
Two portions of lymphatic tissue situated near the pharynx
Removal of all or part of the bladder
The windpipe
Resection of debris from the bladder
Resection of the prostate gland
Situated between the right atria and ventricle
A serious infection of the lung requiring long term drug therapy
Very small bones in the nasal cavity
The ear drum
An operation to repair a damaged ear drum
End products of secretion
One of two long tubes which transport urine from the kidney to the bladder
A canal through which urine is discharged from the bladder
An operation to repair or re-fashion the urethra
Infection in the urinary tract
Pertaining to the renal/urinary system
A condition characterised by itching wheals
Long tubes connecting the uterus to the ovary
Pertaining to a vein
Lower chambers of the heart
Irregular heart beat of a serious nature arising from the ventricles (lower chambers)
External part of the vagina
Removal of part or all of the vulva usually for malignancy
A localised swollen area that is red with a balanced cent
An X shaped cartilage situated at the lower end of the sternum
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