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As the sun shines and the weather is still warm, there is no better time to exercise.
Whether you are trying to get into a new sport or trying to get active, there are many benefits to doing so! You may also find a new passion for a sport after trying out some new activities.
Now you may be thinking, “I've tried getting into a sport, but I can never stay motivated to carry on with it!” but maybe that is because you haven’t enjoyed doing that sport or exercise. Exercise doesn’t need to be a bad thing that you have to force yourself to do, you can give yourself the opportunity to find an exercise or sport that you really enjoy doing. Also, by joining a group or club, you may find yourself feeling more motivated to go. It’s also a great way to meet new people.
Read below to see some of the advantages of keeping fit and how exercise can help your mental health:
Better mental health
Exercise has been shown to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, improve mood and self-esteem. Also, exercise is a great way to distract yourself and how you are feeling, for example if you are feeling a little stressed or overwhelmed, exercise can help you reduce those feelings and help you feel more relaxed.
Better mood
If you’ve ever noticed an improvement in your mood after exercising, you’re not the only one. In a recent study by the US National Institute of Health that included over 600,000 adults, researchers found that physically active participants were 26% less likely to experience depression than those who were inactive, and that physical inactivity had strong negative impacts with conditions like depression etc.
Being physically active can boost your energy and help with fatigue. Even small amounts, such as a short walk or climbing the stairs can help. Being physically active can boost your energy and help with fatigue. Even small activities, such as a short walk or climbing stairs, can make a difference. When you exercise, your body responds by producing more mitochondria, which are the powerhouses of your cells. These mitochondria generate the energy your body needs, so the more mitochondria you have, the more energy your body can produce.
Exercise, Anywhere
The great thing about doing exercise is that you can do it indoors or outdoors. If you don’t feel very confident doing exercise you could find a spacious area at home to do some exercise and there are thousands of different videos online to help you if you are just getting started. Everyone has to start somewhere and online videos can be really helpful. Exercise is great for your mental health and for your health and studies have shown it’s easier to stay motivated during the summer whilst the days are longer and brighter compared to winter when the days are shorter and colder, so what’s stopping you from getting started today? Have some self-belief - because you can do it!
If you want to find out more, you can listen to this great podcast below from our partners at Health Assured, providers of Health & Wellbeing services to our customers, where they discuss physical wellbeing and the connection to mental health with Matt Balfour, founder of Let's Go Wellbeing.
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